bucatini fresh pasta in a quick 15 minute pasta recipe

Bucatini al Tonno

15 minutes from start to finish, this is our favorite easy weeknight pasta dish. Simple, healthy, delicious -- what more can you ask for.
With only 8 ingredients (including salt!), relying on mostly pantry staples, this is a pasta recipe that can be enjoyed weekly. This recipe is a take on Jenny's favorite lunch pasta that Giacomo's mom Antonella makes!

Bucatini al Tonno Recipe

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2 adults


  • 6.4 oz (2 nests) of Trenchers Farmhouse pasta of choice
  • 1 can tuna in olive oil
  • 3 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp chopped capers
  • 3 Calabrian chilies (option, sub 1 tsp chili flakes)
  • 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 bunch chives
  • 1 lemon, juice & zest
  • Kosher Salt


  • Bring a large pot 3/4 full of water and season it with kosher salt until it tastes salty but not as salty as the sea.
  • In a medium sauté pan over medium heat, add 1 can of tuna in oil, chopped capers, and Calabrian chilies (or chili flakes if using). Sauté until fragrant for about 5 minutes
  • Add tomato paste and cook on medium, stirring occasionally, until the paste darkens in color and is fragrant, about 5-7 minutes.
  • Cook the pasta. Drain the pasta, reserving 1 cup of pasta water.
  • Add 3/4 cup of pasta water and pasta to the tomato, tuna mix. Bring to a low simmer and cook stirring frequently until the sauce thickens to coat the pasta.
  • Turn off heat and fold in chives, lemon zest. Season with salt & lemon to taste.
  • Top with breadcrumbs and Buon Appetito!


You can use any pasta of your choice. Our favorites are Creste di Gallo, Lumache, Rigatoni, Gramigna, Bucatini (pictured), Mafaldine, and Linguine but clearly we can't choose a favorite. There really is no wrong shape!

Good quality canned tuna is the key here. Look for tuna that is olive oil packed instead of water packed.
See all articles in Trenchers Recipes


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